Anyone seeking financial support for a UK-based logic-related meetings is asked to provide the following details:
- The topic of the meeting
- Whether it is exclusively a logic meeting
- The type of meeting (research, instructional, ...)
- The planned dates (inclusive)
- Expected number of participants
- Number of speakers, and where they are from
- Estimated total budget (please itemize)
- Amount requested from the BLC (please itemize)
- Estimated subsistence costs per day per person
- Whether there will be a registration fee
- Whether publication of the proceedings is anticipated, or there is any other way in which the grant might be turned into a partial loan
- Whether the meeting will be open to all or will be invitation-only (if the latter, please explain why.)
- Which other bodies are being approached for support, and for how much.
It is expected that if an applicant is not a member of the British Logic Colloquium, then the application should be endorsed by a member of the BLC. Organisers of meetings are asked to bear in mind the following points:
- The usual upper limit for small meetings, and for meetings not entirely devoted to logic, is 750 pounds sterling; for larger meetings (such as ASL European Summer Meetings), it is 1500 pounds sterling. The BLC would like to emphasise that these are upper bounds and are not awarded each time as a norm: the BLC can only fund a small number of meetings per annum, so applicants are asked to request for funds less than these numbers where possible, thus enabling more meetings to receive at least some support.
- Successful funding applications are subject to the following two points:
- BLC support is to be used as a last resort after the other funding sources have been expended.
- BLC support should be used for travel and accommodation expenses for invited speakers, students, and underrepresented groups. BLC support may also be used for childcare.
- Organizers of larger meetings are expected to make an effort to produce a volume, proceeds from whose publication would be used to help redeem the loan.
- Organizes are encouraged to consider having a reduced registration fee for BLC members who wish to attend the meeting.
- The BLC Treasurer must receive a scientific report (not more than one page, listing the main speakers, their affiliations and the topics of their talks, and reporting the number and status of the participants) and checked accounts of the meeting not more than three months after its end following acceptance of which the financial support will be provided.
- The BLC is concerned to support under-represented groups
in Logic, in particular women. Please indicate briefly any
steps you are taking for such support.
Anyone seeking financial support for logic-related visits (e.g. short visits by logicians from overseas, research visits within the UK, or meetings to plan new grant applications) is asked to provide information to the BLC Treasurer on the following points:
- The purpose of the visit
- The planned dates (inclusive)
- The visitor (including a CV) and the host
- Estimated total cost (please itemize)
- Whether publication of the outcomes is (if appropriate) anticipated
- Which other bodies are being approached for support, and for how much.
Proposers of such visits are asked to bear in mind the following points:
- The BLC particularly encourages applications by early-career logicians
- The usual limit of BLC funding for any one such visit is (per visitor) 350 pounds (from overseas) and 250 pounds within the UK.
- Where other bodies, such as the EPSRC or the LMS, are possible sources of finance, they should also be approached.
- Both visits by established researchers and visits by more junior researchers such as research students are supportable, provided the scientific case is strong.
- The BLC Treasurer must receive a scientific report (not more than one page, detailing the main outcomes of the research visit [e.g. papers written, grant applications made and seminars given]) and a financial statement not more than three months after the end of the visit, following acceptance of which the agreed financial support will be provided.
Anyone seeking financial support for other logic-related activities are welcome to approach the Committee, through any of its Officers; data comparable in extent to that itemised above will be expected in support of such an application, and similar financial limits will be applied.